What exactly are keyed tables?

Note: You can now subscribe to our YouTube video channel for q/kdb+ tutorials. Well, I will tell you what they are not – tables! If you take away one thing from this post, it’s that keyed tables are poorly named and are not tables. However, after reading this post, you should have a better understanding …

Understanding type casting in q

This post is a follow up to the previous post about datatypes in q. In that post, I went over all the datatypes available in q and how to identify them using character, numeric, or symbol representation. Now, we are ready to discuss another important topic in q: type casting. This post is also available …

Running kdb+ on Google Cloud (GCP)

Note: You can now subscribe to my blog updates here to receive latest updates. Update: This post is now available as a video tutorial on our YouTube channel. A lot has changed in the kdb+ world recently and as the world moves to the cloud, it was only a matter of time that kdb+ did as well. …