What exactly are keyed tables?

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Well, I will tell you what they are not – tables! If you take away one thing from this post, it’s that keyed tables are poorly named and are not tables. However, after reading this post, you should have a better understanding of why they are named keyed tables.

Reviewing tables and dictionaries

To really understand keyed tables, we first need to review dictionaries and tables. Recall that dictionaries are simply mappings between keys and values made up of lists.

Here is an example:

q)list_2:(100 200 300;10 20 30)
price| 100 200 300
size | 10  20  30
q)type dict
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If we take this dictionary and flip it, we will get a table.

q)flip dict
price size
100   10
200   20
300   30
q)type flip dict

Note how the type changed from 99h (dictionaries) to 98h (tables) when we flipped the dictionary.

A direct way to create tables is to use this popular syntax:

q)tab:([]price:100 200 300;size:10 20 30)
price size
100   10
200   20
300   30
q)type tab

What are keyed tables?

Keyed tables are dictionaries that, instead of mapping lists, map one table to another table. Its keys and values are both tables.

Let’s use some examples to illustrate what we just said. We will take our previous table, tab, and map it to a new table containing just one column using ! just as we would create a regular dictionary.

/ create a single column table
price size
100   10
200   20
300   30

/ create a dictionary mapping two tables together

/ output looks like a table
sym | price size
----| ----------
AAPL| 100   10
IBM | 200   20
MSFT| 300   30

/ but according to the type, it's a dictionary
q)type key_tab

Creating keyed tables

As we saw, we can take two tables and create a keyed table by mapping the two tables together. There is another way to create keyed tables and that’s by using the usual table syntax. You can simply put the keyed column within the brackets and rest of the syntax stays the same. Here is an example:

/ use table syntax but place keyed column within brackets
q)key_tab_2:([sym:`AAPL`IBM`MSFT]price:100 200 300;size:10 20 30)

sym | price size
----| ----------
AAPL| 100   10
IBM | 200   20
MSFT| 300   30

q)type key_tab_2

Converting a table to a keyed table

What if you already have a table and you want to convert it to a keyed table? q has a built-in keyword, xkey, to do that for you. Simply list the name of the columns you want keyed to the left and the name of the table to the right. Here is an example:

/ keying the sym column
q)`sym xkey ([]sym:`AAPL`IBM`MSFT;price:100 200 300;size:10 20 30)
sym | price size
----| ----------
AAPL| 100   10
IBM | 200   20
MSFT| 300   30

/ you can also have multiple keys
q)`sym`size xkey ([]sym:`AAPL`IBM`MSFT;price:100 200 300;size:10 20 30)
sym  size| price
---------| -----
AAPL 10  | 100
IBM  20  | 200
MSFT 30  | 300

Another way to convert a table to keyed table is by using ! operator. Instead of specifying the name of the columns you want to key, you specify their position. For example:

q)2!([]sym:`AAPL`IBM`MSFT;price:100 200 300;size:10 20 30)
sym  price| size
----------| ----
AAPL 100  | 10
IBM  200  | 20
MSFT 300  | 30

As you can see, this can lead to some unintended results so I recommend using xkey instead.

Converting a keyed table to a table

What if you wanted to go the other way and convert a keyed table to a regular table? You can still use xkey but this time you have to specify () as the left argument. That will remove any keys that your keyed table has which will convert it to a regular table. For example:

/ Here we first add keys and then remove them in one statement
q)() xkey `sym`size xkey ([]sym:`AAPL`IBM`MSFT;price:100 200 300;size:10 20 30)
sym  size price
AAPL 10   100
IBM  20   200
MSFT 30   300

We can do the same by using ‘!’ operator and specifying 0 as the left argument. For example:

q)0!`sym`size xkey ([]sym:`AAPL`IBM`MSFT;price:100 200 300;size:10 20 30)
sym  size price
AAPL 10   100
IBM  20   200
MSFT 30   300

I hope this post helped clear any doubts you had about keyed tables. As mentioned in the beginning, always remember that keyed tables are not tables. They are dictionaries!

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